Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Room 8 Class Blog Link for Terms 3 & 4

Mrs Ieti-Fata is our teacher for term 3 & 4
 Click here to view our class blog for terms 3 & 4

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Matariki Stop Motion Animation

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we read a story about Matariki and then made a stop motion animation in Google Slides. 

We had lots that we could choose to include like the names of the stars, combining shapes to make a new star shape, include a title, choosing different colours and using the Explore Tool to find a suitable background.

To see our work click on the students names in the side bar to view their creativity. 
Please leave a comment.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Sticky Question

This week we are learning how to leave quality comments on blogs. We are starting by commenting on this sticky question on our class blog.

We need to write it like a letter and introduce ourselves so the reader knows who we are and what class and school we are from.

We need to be positive, thoughtful and helpful. We need to use "power words" rather than "weasel words" like "cool" or "awesome". We must not use emojis or slang.

How would you answer this sticky question? Write your reply as a comment. Remember to tell us who you are and where you are from.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Quality Blog Posts

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were learning about Quality Blog Posts. We have a page on our class site here to help us remember all the parts that make up a Quality Blog Post. 

Our blog posts have been published. Click on the student's names in the right-hand side bar to read their quality blog post. Please leave a comment.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Online Profiles

 In our Cybersmart lesson we completed our online profile work by posting our Google Drawing and our "Ko wai ahau?" mahi.

All our individual student blogs are linked in the right-hand side bar of our class blog. 

So head over there and click on our names to go to our blogs. Please leave a positive, thoughtful helpful comment. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Road Safety

We read Room 8 @ Owairaka School's blog today and they have had Road Safety Week.

We have to be road safe all the time as we have to cross a road to get to our playground. We all go across the road 4 times a day - at interval and lunchtime. Some of us have to go 6 to 8 times as that is the way we enter and leave the school as well.

We are only one of 3 schools in the whole of New Zealand that have to cross the road between playgrounds and classes.

Going to the playground

Crossing back over to the school

Friday, May 7, 2021

Smart Footprint

In our Cybersmart lesson we looked at all the sites we visit. These make up our digital footprint. We now that our digital footprint is permanent - it cannot be erased or deleted.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Digi Dig by Shekinah

At the end of term 1 we did a Digi Dig on our Chromebooks. We were learning more about the keys on our Chromebooks and the shortcuts so we can use our Chromebooks efficiently. We had to search fo another school and take screenshots. 
Did you know that screenshots can be copied quickly and pasted straight into where you want them?

Here is Shekinah's work....

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Fantastic Mr Fox - Learning Asset Challenge

Each week in our class we do a Learning Asset Challenge.  This week our focus was being a collaborator/Mahi Tahi.  With our skill focus being - I do my fair share.

We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox this term and our challenge was to create a moving cart so that the foxes could take the food through the tunnel they have dug.  Check out our creations!

 PB4L Lesson - Managing Distractions in the Classroom

Today Room 8 talked about different distractions that happen in the classroom.  We then discussed ways of managing these distractions like, ignoring them, telling someone to stop and asking the teacher for help.

In groups we then did a role play showing a distraction and how this could be managed well.  Check out some of the photos from our role plays!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Gallery Walk - Sharing our Mahi

 This week when in our Cybersmart lesson we did a gallery walk. 
We had written our descriptive profiles that we will post on our blogs early next term. 

So our sharing time today was to do a gallery walk. 
We left our Chromebooks open with our profile so others could view it. 
Then we moved around and read other profiles. 
We had turns talking about some of new things we learnt about our classmates. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Online Profiles - Descriptive

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we wrote an online profile 
that will go in the KO WAI AHAU? | ABOUT ME gadget on our blog.
We will be posting our profiles on our blogs next term.
Take a look at Noah's profile as a preview of what to expect.

We used Voice Typing in Google Docs and most of us "wrote" 3 paragraphs in this one lesson time. We had to do a bit of editing but mostly Voice Typing recognised the words we were saying.

If you don't know about Voice Typing watch this video.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Online Profiles - Sharing Personal Information

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were thinking about personal and private information. 
We had to decide what information we can share online 
and what information we should keep private and never share online.

We created an online profile with a photo that advertises ourselves positively.

We had to make sure that our text was easy to read as well.
We loved designing our profiles.
We have discovered the custom gradients in Google Drawing.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu - Nō hea koe?

Nō hea koe?
Where are you from? 

We are in a Manaiakalani programme called Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu

We have got 2 blogging buddies. 
We take turns at reading each other's blogs and commenting on the posts.

Here are our 3 schools. 
Have you been to the places where these schools are? 

Mangapapa School is in Tūranganui A Kiwa/Gisborne.
And or 2 blogging buddies are in Auckland | Tamaki Makaurau.

Let's fly around New Zealand and find our schools.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Explaining Our Learning With Screencastify

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we installed Screencastify and we all had a go at using it to explain our learning.

Because it is the first time lots of us have used Screencastify we had to log on, set up the microphone and camera, allow the drawing tools and make sure our folder was shared so anyone with the link can view. Phew! So much new learning in one day.

Dimitri has used Screencastify before and he was able to teach us how to use it. Here is his screencast about our class blog. Ka pai tō mahi Dimitri! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Kawa of Care

 We are learning how to be Cybersmart! 
We use Chromebooks everyday in our class so we started off 
thinking about how to look after our devices.

We made a poster in Google Drawing of some important messages 
on how to care for our Chromebook.

Here is some of our work.

by Jackson

by Shania

by Kirstine

2021 Room 8

 We are Room 8 of Mangapapa School.
We are year 5 students who use our chromebooks everyday in our learning.
What do you like most about school?

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai

Welcome to our class blog.

We look forward to sharing our learning with our school,

our whānau and friends everywhere.