Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Sticky Question

This week we are learning how to leave quality comments on blogs. We are starting by commenting on this sticky question on our class blog.

We need to write it like a letter and introduce ourselves so the reader knows who we are and what class and school we are from.

We need to be positive, thoughtful and helpful. We need to use "power words" rather than "weasel words" like "cool" or "awesome". We must not use emojis or slang.

How would you answer this sticky question? Write your reply as a comment. Remember to tell us who you are and where you are from.


  1. Kia ora, my name is Azaan and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.I think it would be doing chores,learning,trying to get a stable future.I also wanna know how you got that rainbow oval.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Azaan

  2. Kia ora, my name is Asher and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne. I think it would be doing chores,and learning and trying to get a good future beacuse you can get a good life when you are older.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Asher

  3. Kia ora, my name is Leeroy and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne..
    I think the three most important jobs in the world are the fire department, the police and the ambulance. The ambulance can save people's lives from dying and the police can stop bad people from robbing and the fire department they can stop fires from happening and save people's lives.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Leeroy

  4. Kia ora, my name is Lucia and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    I think that the first most important job in the world is a caretaker because without them the elderly or people in need won't have anyone to help them do things that are a bit difficult for them.
    The second thing that I think is an important job is the police because they capture criminals and people who have committed crimes.The third most important job is a councillor but there are
    Different types of councilors like environment councillors who make the world a better place to live
    In,or councillors who make sure everyone is living in a warm house and give money to charity.
    Please visit my blog here

    From Lucia

  5. Kia ora, my name is Layla-Rhian and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.

    I think the three most important jobs are the fire department, Ambulance and the police because they take care of people that have had accidents.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Layla-Rhian

  6. Kia ora, my name is Kirstine and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.

    I think that the three most important jobs are probably a doctor, and people who make the water drinkable, and lastly the police, because without doctors many people can die without a doctor by their side.
    Then again without people who clear the water since we are 70% water without water that we cannot drink we will then die from thirst.
    Without police everyone will go out of control and start going crazy and break all the rules so that's why we need police to keep us safe from all the insane people.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Kirstine

  7. Kia ora, my name is Mercedez and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.

    I think the three most important jobs are being an adult because you have to look after yourself and your kids if you have any.

    The next one is for being a doctor because if someone gets shot people would not know how to do it because you're not a doctor but when you are you know what to do.

    The author one is a fireman. It is hard for them because they are brave enough to go into a house that is on fire.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Mercedez

  8. Kia ora, my name is Thomas and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    three jobs that you can have a good life: Learning and doing your chores and Walking.
    Please visit my blog here

    From Thomas

  9. Kia ora, my name is Shekinah and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    The three most important jobs are being a parent in school. You learn to write and read in school but you learn to walk and speak at home.Being a nurse is also an important job because they take care of people that are sick. Police are an important job because they save lives and help people's needs and save us from criminals.

    From Shekinah

    Please visit my blog here

  10. Kia ora, my name is Shania and i am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne..
    What are the 3 most important jobs? Parenting because when you learn in school you can teach your kids the learning what you learnt, secondly The future you need to have a good education so you need to have teachers ,thirdly working in the hospital because they care for people in bad health.
    Please visit my blog here

    From Shania

  11. Kia ora, my name is Noah and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    I think the three most important jobs are fire departments because they can save people and the environment. My second one is the police because my dad is one and they save people from getting shot and so the bad guys don't rob the shops in town. I think the last one should be a hospital because they save peoples lives like in soccer on tv someone collapsed and he died but he got put back to life because the doctors saved him from dying forever.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Noah

  12. Kia ora, my name is Hunter and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.

    I think the 3 most important jobs in the world are the fire department, police force and hospital workers.
    I think police force because they keep people safe by arresting people when they're naughty so what they did doesn’t happen again.
    I think fire department because when there is a fire call 111 and they’ll be there in about 2 minutes and put the fire out.
    I think hospital workers because when someone gets injured they’ll be they’re in 2 minutes and carry them to hospital and can save them from dying.
    Please visit my blog here

    From Hunter

  13. Kia ora, my name is Madison and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisbo

    I Most important jobs in the world working at the courthouse,police,Techers you should always

    sport all the jobs in the word not just three, four or five alway sport families in need of help e the

    bigger person not the smaller that means don’t be mean to others just cause your jealous of other

    people remember be the bigger person not the smaller be more michure than others.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Madison

  14. Kia ora, my name is Quade and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    I think that the three important job are police and fire department and a doctor because they
    All help people case the police and help people by safeing people and the doctor can
    Make people not be sick and have covid _19 and the department can save people from firer.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Quade

  15. Kia ora, my name is Haley and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.

    I think the 3 most important jobs in the world are hospital doctors,ambulance and a firefighter and I am gonna tell you why they are so important. First a doctor if someone is sick the doctors take care of them and make them better. Second an ambulance if someone is hurt in their house and can't get to the hospital you can just call an ambulance for help and they will come.Lastly a firefighter if there is a fire just call a fire truck and they will come and let the fire out with a hose.So that is why i think those three jobs are the most important jobs in the world.

    Please visit my blog here

    From Haley

  16. Pippa K
    Kia ora, my name is Pippa and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.

    I think that the three most important jobs in the world are : nurse/ doctor, a parent and a teacher.Thats because doctors help people so they can survive. And I think that parents and teachers work hard so their children can understand the world around them.
    Please visit my blog here

    From Pippa

  17. Kia ora, my name is Evie and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    I think that the Most important jobs are the people that look after you at home because they have to work to get money for the things we need the doctors and nurses because the look after the people who are hurt and sick and the people who support the people with their food and water because if they didt they would of died.
    Please visit my blog here

    From Evie

  18. Kia ora, my name is Kodie and I am in Room 8 at Mangapapa School in Gisborne.
    I think that the most important jobs are in the police and an Ambulance and fire department because they can help you when you need help and the fire department can help you when your house is on fire and the ambulance can also can help you when you have a broken leg. so th

    Please visit my blog here

    From Kodie

  19. Dear Room 8,
    well done today in practising commenting on blogs. I enjoyed reading all your comments and seeing the wide range of responses that you gave. I especially agree with those of you who think teaching is an important job!
    Did you check that the link word "here" goes to your blog?
    from Mrs TOrrie


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.