Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Fantastic Mr Fox - Learning Asset Challenge

Each week in our class we do a Learning Asset Challenge.  This week our focus was being a collaborator/Mahi Tahi.  With our skill focus being - I do my fair share.

We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox this term and our challenge was to create a moving cart so that the foxes could take the food through the tunnel they have dug.  Check out our creations!

 PB4L Lesson - Managing Distractions in the Classroom

Today Room 8 talked about different distractions that happen in the classroom.  We then discussed ways of managing these distractions like, ignoring them, telling someone to stop and asking the teacher for help.

In groups we then did a role play showing a distraction and how this could be managed well.  Check out some of the photos from our role plays!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Gallery Walk - Sharing our Mahi

 This week when in our Cybersmart lesson we did a gallery walk. 
We had written our descriptive profiles that we will post on our blogs early next term. 

So our sharing time today was to do a gallery walk. 
We left our Chromebooks open with our profile so others could view it. 
Then we moved around and read other profiles. 
We had turns talking about some of new things we learnt about our classmates. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Online Profiles - Descriptive

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we wrote an online profile 
that will go in the KO WAI AHAU? | ABOUT ME gadget on our blog.
We will be posting our profiles on our blogs next term.
Take a look at Noah's profile as a preview of what to expect.

We used Voice Typing in Google Docs and most of us "wrote" 3 paragraphs in this one lesson time. We had to do a bit of editing but mostly Voice Typing recognised the words we were saying.

If you don't know about Voice Typing watch this video.